Prime Minister Scott Morrison has praised The Huddle’s achievements, as well as its founder and current chairman, Peter Scanlon.

“It’s been the work that The Huddle has done in North Melbourne which is world-leading and nation-leading,” Morrison said at the Australian Migration and Settlement Awards.

Besides praise, Peter Scanlon also received the Lifetime Achievement Award for all he has done promoting social cohesion.

“Peter is an extraordinary Australian,” Morrison continued.

“I’ve known him for many years. He’s tried to convert me into a North Melbourne supporter in the past, with some success to the extent that it’s extracted a sympathy whenever North Melbourne is playing.

“I remember one of the first times I visited The Huddle, I was so excited about what was being achieved there.

“So, Peter, thank you for your tremendous philanthropic leadership in this important area.”

And while Scanlon must be proud of his achievements, his drive for a more inclusive Australia has not diminished. 

 “In the last 20 years, our leaders have become more reluctant to discuss the [migration] programs full impact on Australian life, instead, dwelling mainly on economic benefits and less on its nation building,” Scanlon said.

“And while I believe the economic benefits of migration are considerable, Australia has a much bigger story to tell, about how migration has built this nation.

“A story that most Australians accept and endorse. To all our leaders, please tell our story.”